Nouveau bâtiment UNIL, 2021,
Lausanne, CH

Nouveau bâtiment UNIL
Nouveau bâtiment UNIL

The construction of a New building on the Campus will completely transform and redefine the UNIL’s image. The project proposes a building with a strong identity which asserts itself as one of the first » landmark» buildings of the entrance of the Campus. It’s a transparent building that allows visual continuity and merges with the landscape. A mixed concrete-wood frame structure with a glass skin, that acts as a dynamic living membrane which makes the transition between inhabited spaces and the outdoors. The spiral staircase is located in a large metal cylinder that seeks to become a visual symbol for the faculty.

Type: Education, Office, Public Status: Open Competition Unbuilt Size: 10 380 m2 Collaborators: Pineda Monedero

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